Summer walking

It’s summer. It’s 30 degrees outside. Those words have a lot of meaning to a person who lives in a climate like this one, so when summer comes, mostly everything else falls away and it’s hard to get writing or anything else done. I’ve given myself a challenge to get out of the city every weekend this summer, so here is a smattering of the things I have seen while walking around this beautiful island.

Some creative person has made a few wooden owls and hung them in trees where they stare down at passers by just like their live brethren do.

One of the things I love best to do is to poke my nose into tide pools. This sea star shone so brightly we saw it from half the beach away.

Because our views are so spectacular around here, we sometimes forget to look at the things closest to us, but when I have my camera out, I try to remember to do so.


Summer again


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